The Best hidden flasks anywhere!
Cruise Essentials Hidden Flasks

These worked GREAT for our cruise! We purchased 4 bottles and put a shampoo and conditioner in each bag. We filled the bottles with rum and whiskey and with the free juice from breakfast -- we made some mean drinks in our stateroom. They were the perfect size, didn't leak, and passed security - win win!
- Lisa F.

I was really surprised at how real this BoozeBrella looked. If you carry an average sized purse, this will fit neatly on the side and nobody would be the wiser. I live in NYC where you could easily spend $100-$150 on drinks in any pub, club or restaurant so this is perfect for me. Surely I wouldn't drink the entire contents of the BoozeBrella in one night because it's a pretty nice sized container, but I will definitely save money by not having to buy more than one cover drink that I could easily refill using my BoozeBrella. LOL! I highly recommend this item if you are looking to save money and not have the bouncers throw your booze out before you enter the club - NOBODY would suspect this.
- Tanya B.

Best Buy Ever! Took this on my recent trip with Carnival cruise ships. Worked great! I spent no extra money on alcohol! They did not leak at all.
- Naomi D.